American Small Arms of the Vietnam War

American Small Arms of the Vietnam War Home Training American Small Arms of the Vietnam War The M1911A1 pistol, M14 rifle and M16A1 rifle were three firearms that were heavily used during the Vietnam War. In this class, students will be introduced to these firearms...

Allied Small Arms of WWI

Allied Small Arms of WWI Home Training Allied Small Arms of WWI World War I was meant to be the War that ended all Wars. Instead, it started a new chapter of warfare. Through the lens of trench warfare, students will explore the small arms that soldiers relied on...

Home Defense

Home Defense Home Training Home Defense The class covers firearms handling safety, range safety, home safety, and defensive skills relevant to defending your home. We summarize the legal, psychological, and law-enforcement response issues involved in using a firearm...

Children’s Firearms & Safety Fundamentals

Children’s Firearms & Safety Fundamentals Home Training Children’s Firearms & Safety Fundamentals Whenever children are involved, it’s vital that we consider three important facets of firearms and safety training: Education, Prevention and Action. To cover...

Marksmanship Simplified: Lessons 1 & 2

Marksmanship Simplified Lessons 1 & 2 Home Training Marksmanship Simplified: Lessons 1 & 2 Marksmanship Simplified Lesson 1 introduces the new shooter to the fundamentals of marksmanship. New shooters will build familiarity and confidence, as all skills are...
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